In 2003, Polk County Ditch 9 was transferred to the Sand Hill River Watershed District. At that time, Ditch 9 extended from the intersection of Maple Creek and the east-west quarter line of Section 27 of Russia Township, west until outletting into Polk County Ditch 6 in the NE ¼ of Section 29 of Hammond Township. The total channel length was approximately 7.7 miles. Ditch 9 generally follows the quarter section line until turning north in its last one mile before outletting into Ditch 6, which is located one half mile north of Ditch 9.
In 2005, the establishment of SHRWD Project 17 used the upstream 2.1 miles of the Ditch 9 channel, between the east end of the ditch and the MN State Highway 9 crossing. The current extents of Ditch 9 that are not part of SHRWD Project 17 now begin in in the west half of Section 29 of Russia Township, and flows west until outletting into the SHRWD Project 17 channel in NE ¼ of Section 29 of Hammond Township.
Benefit Area:
The current vs. propsed benefit area map can be found here. The current viewers report can be found here.
Public Information:
Meeting Notices:
There are no new meetings planned at this time. Check back often for meeting notices pertaining to this ditch and it's redetermination process.