Online Permit Link

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The requirement for a permit from the Managers for certain uses of water or works within the District is not intended to delay or inhibit development. Rather, the permits are needed so that the Managers are kept informed of planned projects. can advise and in some cases provide assistance and to insure that developments of the natural resources are orderly and in accordance with the Overall Plan for the District. In sumbitting our permit form, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Rules and Regulations of the district.

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List of agencies that may also require a permit:

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources:

County Planning and Zoning Office:

      • Polk County Planning and Zoning Office - 218-281-5700
      • Mahnomen County Planning and Zoning Office -  218-935-5639
      • Norman County Planning and Zoning Office - 218-784-5493

US Fish and Wildlife:

      • Ryan Frohling - 218-844-3402

US Army Corp of Engineers:

      • Polk County and Norman County – Larry Puchalski - 651-290-5339
      • Mahnomen County - Evan Ingebrigtson - 651-290-5765
        General Information -  (800) 290-5847 ext. 5525

MN Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR):

Natural Resource Conservation Service:

Soil and Water Conservation Districts:

Wetland Conservation Act Contacts:

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency:

      • Stormwater and Construction Permits 800-646-6247

Feed Lot permits: