Regional Conservation Partnership Program

The Regional Conservation
Partnership Program (RCPP) is a
new, comprehensive and flexible
program that uses partnerships to
stretch and multiply conservation
investments and reach
conservation goals on a regional
or watershed scale.
Partners participating in RCPP can
use their local knowledge and
networks to undertake conservation
projects by joining with agricultural
producers to restore or sustain
natural resources such as:
- clean and abundant water
- healthy, productive soils
- enhanced wildlife
- pollinator habitat
The district signed the agreement in September of 2016 to participate in the RCPP program to explore upper and lower detention areas of the Sand Hill. The Lower Sand Hill River has many issues related to increased runoff rates.Reduced channel stability along the Sand Hill Ditch has led to significant bank sluffing and channel head cutting. Much of this material is then deposited further downstream where channel slopes moderate, resulting in reduced channel capacity and increased risk of flooding.
The Upper Sand Hill Watershed’s location within the Red River Basin, when combined with issues along the Lower Sand Hill River Watershed, has potential for benefit both locally and Red River Basinwide. The Sand Hill River Watershed District will continue planning to determine ideal locations for retention with the uppoer portion of the Sand Hill River Watershed District.