BeaverSeveral water bodies in the Sand Hill River Watershed District are listed on the EPA’s 303(d) list of impaired waters, including the Sand Hill River mainstem at several locations. In total, 15 impairments are identified.

Water bodies on this list are required to have a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study completed.

The Sand Hill River Watershed TMDL evaluates pollutant sources, and makes recommendations for load reductions to meet water quality standards.

The Sand Hill River Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAP) builds off of load reduction recommendations from the TMDL to develop an overall strategy to restore and maintain water quality standards for impaired water bodies in the Sand Hill River Watershed. This strategy includes identification of specific projects to be pursued.

The end result of the Sand Hill River Watershed TMDL and WRAP is a road map that the Sand Hill River Watershed District can use when pursuing projects with a water quality focus. The documents also allow the District to further justify the need for outside funding assistance for practices and projects within the Sand Hill River Watershed District.

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  • The draft WRAPS Report and draft TMDL are both on notice.
  • The Public comment period is May 31 to June 29, 2016