The Beltrami Flood Control and Diversion Project is located near the City of Beltrami, in the southcentral part of Polk County, Minnesota and is in response to flooding concerns raised by the City of Beltrami and agricultural interests in the immediate area. The project involves the diversion of a majority of peak flows from the old Sand Hill River from the northwest corner of Section 23, Reis Township. Flows are diverted south for 1/2 mile and then west for approximately 1.25 miles at which point the diversion outlets into the existing Sand Hill Ditch in the east 1/2 of Section 21, Reis Township. The objective of the diversion is to provide an opportunity to allow peak runoff from the contributing drainage area to enter the Sand Hill Ditch channel at a location further upstream than it currently does. Prior to the project, runoff from the project drainage area flows through the old Sand Hill River in a westerly direction paralleling the Sand Hill Ditch for approximately 5 1/2 miles, and passes through the north side of the City of Beltrami and is generally comprised of a mixture of old river channel sections and manmade road ditches.
Benefit Area:
To download the benefit area map, click here.
Project Costs:
Under construction - check back soon!
Recent Ditch Inspection Report:
2023 ditch inspections were performed. Please call our office at 218-945-3204 for a copy of the inspection report for this system.