Steering committee

The steering team (a.k.a. planning work group) consists primarily of local government staff and staff or representatives of each Minnesota tribal nation (collectively referred to as “government units”) and should include the planning consultant(s) (when hired, if applicable) and the main contacts from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). The steering team is responsible for logistical organization (not policy) of the planning process and associated meetings (e.g., setting agendas and coordinating meeting logistics). This team (rather than a single water planner or project manager) may also distill feedback from the advisory and policy committees and provide specific direction to the plan writer.

In the pre-planning phase, this team should include at least one representative from each government unit. During this time, the team will develop the grant work plan, memorandum of agreement, processes for selecting consultants, plan notification and planning the kick-off meeting, and initial data gathering. During the planning phase the overall composition of the steering team, as well as meeting frequency and format, will vary depending on the planning approach (e.g. how many government units are directly involved with carrying out work plan tasks and how fully the steering team is integrated into the advisory committee). Staff from some government units may choose to opt out of the steering team as the process starts moving forward.

Members are as follows:

  • April Swenby, Sand Hill River Watershed District
  • Nicole Bernd, West Polk SWCD
  • Rachel Klein, East Polk SWCD
  • Jake Snyder, Polk County
  • Aaron Neubert, Mahnomen County SWCD & Mahnomen County Rep.
  • Lori Thronson, Norman County SWCD
  • Vacant, Norman County
  • Brett Arne, BWSR
  • Henry Van Offelen, BWSR
