Policy Committee

The policy committee consists of one board member from each local water planning authority (county, SWCD, and watershed district) and one representative from each municipality and/or Minnesota tribal nation participating in the partnership. The policy committee is formalized through the partnership’s memorandum of agreement. The purpose of this group is to review recommendations of the advisory committee and make final decisions about the content of the plan and its submittal. Members are also responsible for representing their respective local government and Minnesota tribal nation in the development of the plan and to report back to their respective boards or councils about the progress and direction of the plan. Policy committee members can be invited to advisory committee meetings and should be encouraged to do so, as long as their role as a policy member is made clear.

Members are as follows:

    • Don Andringa, Chairperson, Sand Hill River Watershed District
    • Ken Pederson, Vice Chairperson, East Polk SWCD
    • Chris Cournia, Secretary, West Polk SWCD
    • Joan Lee, Polk County Commissioner
    • David Geray, Mahnomen County
    • Pete Revier, Mahnomen County SWCD
    • Tim Oistad, Norman County
    • Erik Rockstad, Norman County SWCD
    • All members of the Steering Committee (non voting members)